Free Consultation

  • (415) 912-1716
  • 1237 Van Ness Ave. Suite 300
    San Francisco, CA 94109
San Francisco Auto Accident Injury

Recently Injured In A Car Accident?

Our staff understands the complexities of personal injury cases, and we take great pride in managing them very thoroughly. Our office has well-established relationships with orthopedists, neurologists, MRI facilities, and physical therapists to offer the best and most complete care for acute trauma injuries. At Latch & So Chiropractic, we analyze, diagnose, and treat the various complexities of whiplash and soft tissue injuries. Additionally, we have an X-ray machine at our office.

We work with all auto accident injuries, and we are comfortable speaking with personal injury attorneys. Liens are accepted. As the go-to auto accident chiropractors in San Francisco, CA, we have helped many individuals recover from auto accident related injuries. If you have been in an auto accident recently, there are some important decisions you need to make, and it's crucial to make these decisions immediately. Do not delay!

Latch & So Chiropractic Insurance Participation

There are many insurance plans and coverage varies widely. Please call us to find out if your plan covers care in our office. Call us at (415) 912-1716.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.