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  • (415) 912-1716
  • 1237 Van Ness Ave. Suite 300
    San Francisco, CA 94109

Auto Accidents & Whiplash Testimonials

*Testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical.

Great Results with Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Chiropractic Pain Relief for Auto Accident Victim

Car Accident / Neck Pain Whiplash

Unfortunately, I've been in two pretty bad car accidents. Fortunately, though, I've received treatment from Dr. Daniel Latch both times. The first accident consisted of my sister rear ending a car on the freeway at 50 mph; a four car pile up! I was 17 at the time and after a few weeks i felt great & I really didn't want to go to my appointments anymore. He called a few times but was not pushy at all. He told me that I had a curved spine and that I would benefit from continued treatment for preventative measures. Boy, should I have listened.. Four years later, I got pregnant with my twins and my back was constantly achy, from the beginning. I was finishing up college and working so continually put off going in to see him. After giving birth, though, I could not take it anymore and went in once a week for about a month and felt amazing after!

January 2013, I was then side-swiped by a huge truck while my cousin was driving and didn't understand the concept of who has the "right-of-way". Yay me, another accident. The following day, Dr. Latch fit us both in and we began treatment right away. After 8 weeks, I felt so much better. I now have 4 appointments scheduled per year to help maintain a healthy spine :) .

After these few years I have come to learn a few important things about Dr. Dan

1) He truly cares for his patients. I've yet seen him turn someone away for not having Med Pay or health insurance. He's extremely accommodating for those who want treatment but not the funds for it.

2) He actually listens to his patients! He gives great feedback and provides extensive at-home exercises and activities that can help relieve pain, even after concluding treatment with him.

3) He knows what he's doing! Some people don't "believe" in chiropractic treatment bu with Dr. Dan's experience and skill, it's hard not to!

San Francisco Chiropractor
Yishra L.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.