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  • 1237 Van Ness Ave. Suite 300
    San Francisco, CA 94109

How Latch & So Chiropractic Can Help Treat ADHD Treatments

Do you find it hard to concentrate? Do you have periods of prolonged restlessness? Do you know someone who might exhibit these symptoms? ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood, according the Center for Disease Control, CDC...

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How Latch & So Natural Food Remedies for ADHD

Children suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) often have trouble with school and social lives. ADHD children can have a hard time concentrating on lessons and finishing homework. What we find easy, such as listening to someone in class or having a simple conversation, someone with ADHD can find a constant struggle...

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Tips for Patients with Anti-Depressants from Latch & So Chiropractor

When summer begins to say farewell, we start to notice how the days get shorter. The sun goes down earlier and without that extra vitamin D, you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety...

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So for Asthma Treatment

Asthma, according to some recent estimates, affects more than 300 million people worldwide and 22 million people in the United States. It does affect those of all ages and mostly begins in childhood. Some possible factors linked to Asthma are allergies, environmental (pollution) and tobacco smoke. Asthma, in spite of all the research, the exact cause(s) may still be unknown. What is a definite is that asthma is characterized by a set of symptoms. These symptoms may be:

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Latch & So Chiropractor Answer the Common Auto Accidents Questions

Auto accidents can be extremely stressful physically, mentally and emotionally. Especially in the San Francisco area because of the high population! Even if the accident was small and your vehicle only sustained minor damage, your body (most commonly the shoulders and neck) can still suffer debilitating pain.

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How Latch & So Chiropractor Treat and Diagnose Auto Accident Injuries

At Latch & So Chiropractic, we understand how auto accidents can be stressful, frustrating, and downright scary. Dealing with an auto accident correctly and immediately is a key factor is ensuring the best results possible for your case. Please take these guidelines provided by Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C. into consideration in order to stay calm and prepared in the event of an automobile accident:

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Latch & So Chiropractor Recommended Tips to Avoid Back Pain

Are you suffering from back pain? Chances are, you’re not alone. Most people will experience back pain in their lifetime. In fact, about 10% of American experience back pain at any given time. That’s 31 million people! Total, 80% of Americans experience back pain in their lifetime, adding up to 248 million people! What is little known, is that there are many ways to avoid it. At Latch & So Chiropractic located at San Francisco, we want to help prevent you from being one of the 47 million people who suffer from back pain every year...

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5 Ways You Can Benefit from Latch & So Chiropractic Care

There are many ways to benefit from visiting Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C. at Latch & So Chiropractic! You may hear many stories from friends and family members telling you how they have improved their lives through chiropractic care because chiropractic treatment is based on you as an individual. Here at Latch & So Chiropractic, we understand how each individual has a different life, causing them to function differently. We understand that different types of pain require different types of adjustments. Here are the top 5 ways you can benefit from chiropractic care with Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C.:

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Boosts Your Metabolism with these Foods

This may be unfortunate news for some, but your metabolism is partly ruled by your genetics. However, the good news is that genetics don’t always conquer all other aspects… like your diet perhaps! Do not fear, you may have inherited your family’s ridiculously slow metabolism, but you don’t have to be stuck with it! You can rev up your metabolism naturally by eating right in order to increase your body’s fat-burning power!

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Treat and Diagnose Auto Accident Injuries

Now let’s look at the reasons why. A typical car weighs approximately 4,000 pounds. To give you an example of this, an average refrigerator weighs approximately 250 pounds. Imagine getting hit with one of these! It sounds ridiculous but it helps sometimes to break down a problem to see the impact. One would be bad enough but multiply, not just two refrigerators but, 16! Roughly 4,000 pounds! A truck, or SUV, would be even more! Cars, and refrigerators for that matter, are made out of steel. Our bodies aren’t. A car gets hit, it bends.

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Carpal Tunnel Pain Can be Cured by Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractic Treatment

Have you experienced burning pain, tingling and numbness that radiates from the palm of your hand into your fingers? If so, relief is not only on its way, it’s here and established...

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Health Tips from Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractic Office

Replace the coffee and doughnut breakfast for something healthier! Go for a walk after your meal instead of taking a nap! Nutrition and exercise are key to a healthy lifestyle and a long, happy, and joyful life! If you want more ideas to jumpstart your healthy living, keep reading!

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Can Help Treat Asthma

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), known as the national public health institute of the United States, “Asthma causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing at night or early in the morning". The CDC also states: “If you have asthma, you have it all the time, but you will have asthma attacks only when something bothers your lungs". Another health authority, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment, detailed “25.9 million people, including almost 7.1 children, have asthma".

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Many Ways for Elder Chiropractic Care From Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor

There are many ways chiropractic care at Latch & So Chiropractic can keep you healthier as you get older. Seniors who are experiencing pain or other problems due to the spine being misaligned benefit most from chiropractic care with Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C.. In fact, Chiropractic treatment at Latch & So Chiropractic, located in San Francisco, is the safest form of treatment, especially compared to alternative treatment options like surgery and drug therapy. The reason being, Chiropractic is a form of holistic medicine, steering clear of the use of drugs as a treatment option. The elderly can achieve great benefits and body function improvement through chiropractic care with Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C.. Benefits for seniors can include:

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Explains Subluxations and Chiropractic

What is a Subluxation? "A subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health." Basically, Subluxations are when one or more of the bones of your spine move out of the correct position. This causes pressure on or irritation to the spinal nerves. The spinal nerves are nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your vertebrae. When there is pressure irritation placed on the nerves, it causes the nerves to malfunction and block signals traveling over the nerves.

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So Chiropractic for Allergy Treatment

At Latch & So Chiropractic, we know the symptoms. Itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, headaches and migraines, and the pressure that makes your head feel like it may just explode. Yes, we are talking about allergies. At this day and age, it is estimated that 10%-30% of the entire world are affected by allergies. From nasal allergies to seasonal allergies, the cost for pain relief and discomfort is sky rocketing. Three billion dollars a year, to be exact. Yes, you read that right… three million dollars! That’s adding up doctor visits, prescriptions, and missed time from work. Whether your allergies are just seasonal or year round, Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C. and the office staff know it’s not something pleasant to experience.

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractic Treatment for Colic

At Latch & So Chiropractic, we know the symptoms. Itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, headaches and migraines, and the pressure that makes your head feel like it may just explode. Yes, we are talking about allergies. At this day and age, it is estimated that 10%-30% of the entire world are affected by allergies. From nasal allergies to seasonal allergies, the cost for pain relief and discomfort is sky rocketing. Three billion dollars a year, to be exact. Yes, you read that right… three million dollars! That’s adding up doctor visits, prescriptions, and missed time from work. Whether your allergies are just seasonal or year round, Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C. and the office staff know it’s not something pleasant to experience.

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Can Help Type 1 Diabetes in Children Treatment

The Diabetes disorder can be defined as an auto immune condition of the body where one’s immune system attacks the Beta Cells of the pancreas which produce insulin. The unfortunate fact is that in the United States alone, over three million people suffer from Type I Diabetes. A UK study showed that Type I Diabetes had doubled in children between the years of 1985 and 2004. Europe and the United States proved similar results.

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Can Help Treat Ear Infection

According to a New York Times article, “Too many doctors, and parents, rely on antibiotics for ear infections, despite a woeful lack of evidence for their benefits."

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Explains Does Fasting Have Health Benefits?

Much research suggests that fasting from time to time can cleanse the body, rid it of toxins, and assist in better overall body function. Many chiropractors and other holistic medical professionals recommend fasting from time to time. On the other hand, there are many critics who are against fasting, believing that it starves the body and that sleeping is enough time to in between fueling your body so that your digestive system can get the rest in needs to function best. So, who is right? Who should we believe?"

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Discussed Different Types of Fibromyalgia Treatment

What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease of the central nervous system causing debilitating pain that spreads throughout every part of the body. If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, you may experience symptoms such as headaches, painful menstrual cramps, restless leg syndrome, cognitive and memory problems, and trouble sleeping. The most common visible symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia include chronic body pain and psychological problems. Fibromyalgia causes the central nervous system to be overly sensitive to the impulses of pain that are received from numerous sensory organs located in the body.

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Frozen Shoulder Pain Relief by Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractic Treatment

What is Frozen Shoulder? Adhesive Capsulitis, AKA “Frozen Shoulder" is a condition described as stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Some symptoms of Frozen Shoulder are gradual at first but then usually begin to get much worse within one to three years. The symptoms of Frozen Shoulder are most typically known to develop in three different stages:

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Healthy Tips for Elder from Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor

The amount of people living longer lives is dramatically increasing! Over 40,000 people last year reached the age of 100 years old. In fact according to recent census projections, by 2050 over one million Americans will be making it to 100 years old! Although good genes do play a considerable role in these statistics, researchers are now starting to believe that chronic illnesses are not a consequence of aging, but often happens more likely from lifestyle choices that we can change! So, the big question: How can we live longer (and most importantly) healthier lives? This is what the chiropractors at Latch & So Chiropractic are saying:

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Explains 3 Common Types of Headaches

If you have ever suffered from a headache, you are not alone. Research shows seven out of ten people have headaches each year, and about 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches. Headaches can last anywhere from a few minutes, up to weeks! Here are three of the most common types of headaches:

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Suggests Drinking More Water is Good for Health

Did you know that dehydration is one of the leading causes of obesity and sickness? At Latch & So Chiropractic, we’d like to discuss a few diseases and health matters that can be prevented, or improved, with proper water intake. You wouldn’t believe what a simple thing to be more aware of can do to improve your system! Water is the most vital source of energy for the body. Dehydration causes the body to slow down, which can lead to extreme fatigue.

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Importance of Iron for Optimal Health Recommend by Latch & So Chiropractic

Iron is a well-known mineral found in every cell of the body. It is considered an essential mineral because it is needed in order to make part of your blood cells! The human body requires iron in order to make the oxygen-carrying proteins such as hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is liable for carrying oxygen from your lungs and transporting it through your entire body. It represents about two thirds of your entire body’s iron! Meaning, if you do not have enough iron in your body, your body cannot make enough healthy oxygen carrying red blood cells. When this happens, it called iron deficiency anemia. You may have iron deficiency anemia if you:

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Health Tips from Latch & So Chiropractic Office

At Latch & So Chiropractic, we notice a lot of people out there who are so busy being concerned with how they look, they forget to be concerned with their actual health. There is a huge difference between being body conscious and being health conscious. Here are some critical differences between the two:

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Latch & So Chiropractic Talked About Increasing your Energy Levels

There are many ways to get your energy back! Studies show that 9 out of 10 people want more energy, but they don’t think they have the time or resources to get it. Want to know a little secret? You have both! Let’s drop the “quick fixes” that only create temporary results. We are thinking long-term here… And it starts with Cortisol.

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Heart Healthy from Latch & So Chiropractic

Cardiovascular disease (including heart disease and strokes) is the number one cause of deaths in the United States. Each year, more than 1.5 million people suffer from heart attacks and strokes, making 1 in 3 deaths caused by the disease. These disturbing statistics are causing people to become more aware of the choices they make in order to keep their entire body at optimal health, including keeping their hearts in healthy shape.

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Latch & So Chiropractic Chiropractor Discussed Different Types of Herniated Disc Relief

A spinal disc is made out of two main parts: The nucleus pulposus, which is the inner jelly- like layer located in the center of the disc, and the annulus fibrosus, which are the thick ligament-like outer most layers. These two parts help the spine with their movement, flexibility and also provide support throughout the entire vertebrae.

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Foods That Help with Inflammation – Recommend by Latch & So Chiropractor

When your body comes across anything it does not immediately recognize, your immune system will attack it. Foreign things such as invading microbes, plant pollen, or chemicals can be under attack by your immune system, which is a process commonly known as Inflammation.

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So for Migraine Triggers and Treatments

In the United States alone, more than 37 million people suffer from migraines. Many of these people have no idea what is triggering their migraines or how to help prevent or treat them. Stop letting your migraines be a mystery. In the article, we will discuss the different stages of migraines, their causes, and your treatment options.

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Latch & So Chiropractor Explains Myofascial Release and Fertility

Most women who are going through infertility problems have researched the countless alternative treatments for infertility. Most searches will encourage acupuncture, dietary changes or even different uses of herbs. Here is another one to look into: Myofascial Release.

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So for Migraine Relief

Do you experience throbbing, pounding painful headaches? Does this pain often begin in the back while spreading to one or both eyes? Does this pulsating pain become so intense that it becomes hard to function on a daily basis? Do you suffer from migraine headaches?

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So for Migraine Relief

As a nation, we have become very dependent on antibiotic pills. This results in drug-resistant bacteria and other “super bugs” that keep evolving faster than scientists have time to research, making it hard to fight them off. Antibiotic pills were not always the solution because they were only invented in the 1940’s. Before that, our ancestors used many different foods and herbs that are known to defend your health, rid infections and stop diseases from spreading. In fact, many holistic doctors still practice these types of antibiotic treatments instead of resorting to pills. Here are the top 12 natural antibiotics our ancestors once used and that many all natural healing doctors still use today:

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How Latch & So Chiropractor Can Help Neck and Shoulder Pain Treatment

How often do you feel pain when you turn your neck? Do you even feel pain in your shoulders? Becoming even more common is the stress generated by desk and computer work. Let’s face it, that’s our modern culture. It’s inspiring we can touch the world by a keyboard.

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Latch & So Chiropractor Discussed In-office Stretches for Better Health

You’ve heard it all before, about how sitting at your desk all day is bad for your overall health. Still, you can’t just up and quit your job… You know, the one that requires you to sit and stare at a screen for about eight hours? That’s a long time and in the long run, it can really take a toll on your health. In fact, sitting at your desk all day is the main contributor to weight gain, increased cholesterol levels, and heart disease. Don’t worry though! We’ve come up with a few quick exercises that you can do right at your desk. These exercises will keep you moving and stretch out your muscles, helping to avoid aches and pains from keeping your body in a neutral position all day!

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Latch & So Chiropractic Treats Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Pain

What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the joint disease usually occurring when the protective cartilage on the end of your bones wears down overtime. This cartilage is a firm and slippery tissue that allows almost completely smooth joint function. However, for patients suffering with osteoarthritis, the nice and slippery surface of the cartilage becomes bumpy and unsmooth. Eventually, with no cartilage left, painful bone on bone friction is the end result. This disease can damage any part of the body, however it most commonly affects the joints in the hands, knees, hips and spine.

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So for Osteoarthritis Treatment

Your bones are living tissue that are continuously being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis happens when the building of new bone tissues cannot keep up with removal of old bone tissue. This causes extreme bone loss within the body and the bones to become severely and dangerously weak and brittle. Patients with Osteoporosis have such weak bones that simple stressed on the body such as bending over or even simply coughing can cause the bones to completely fracture

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So Chiropractic for Pinched Nerve Treatment

Let’s start with the basics. A nerve is like a wire. A wire is usually made of copper and wrapped in a thermoplastic coating for insulation. A nerve is wrapped in a myelin sheath for insulation. A nerve sends signals (electrochemical) to and from the area sensed to the brain and spinal cord.

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Latch & So Chiropractic Explains The Ultimate Guide to Good Posture

Posture is so much more than just looking poised and more confident. Having correct posture while standing and sitting allows our bodies to function more properly. This article will discuss posture and how to improve yours starting today!

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Treatment Helps Pregnancy Pain

When a woman becomes pregnant, there are countless changes that are happening to her body! Not only physically, but hormonally, biomechanically and with her posture too. The body changes in order to prepare to nourish and carry a child to its full term. A woman’s center of gravity shifts forward the larger the baby gets inside the belly. This causes the pelvis to tilt and the muscles in the lower back to become shorter and much more tightened in return. This can cause an unbelievable amount of pain. The hamstrings and gluteal muscles also become stretched and weakened causing the body to be very uncomfortable. The abdomen, lower back, pelvis, and cervical and lumbar regions are the main source of pain as the baby grows in the woman’s body.

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Can Help Sciatica Pain Treatment

The sciatic nerve comes from nerves called the sacral plexus. These nerves travel to the sacrum and lumbar regions of the body. The sciatic nerve is actually a bundle of two nerves, the tibial and common peroneal nerves. Since the sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest nerve of the human body, it’s no wonder that this structure could be easily impinged. A bigger wire, so to speak, is easier to get stepped on, than a smaller one. But, in your body, your nerves don’t get stepped on, they get caught in between things. These things in your body, come in the form of muscle, adipose or fat tissue. Other structures may impede but muscle and adipose are the most common.

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Can Help Sciatica Pain Treatment

Sciatica is not a medical diagnosis all on its own, but rather a symptom of other underlying medical conditions such as a lumbar herniated disc, degenerative disc disease or spinal stenosis. The pain has been characterized by a combination of constant pain on one side of the buttock or leg, pain that increases while sitting down, leg pain described as burning, tingling or searing, weakness or numbness of the leg and foot, and a sharp pain that makes it hard to stand up, walk, or stand in one place for large amounts of time.

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Latch & So Chiropractic Discussed Different Types of Sports Injuries

There are two different kinds of sports injuries: acute and chronic. Even acute injuries can be a result of repetitive wear and tear. Chronic injuries are easier to notice because they tend to be more severe and cause more pain. Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C. of Latch & So Chiropractic treats underlying causes of sports injuries by evaluating the body as a whole, rather than as separate parts. This allows for the best results to rebuild strength and eliminate pain.

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Latch & So Chiropractic Explains Safe and Effective Solution for Stress

Have you ever experienced pain or discomfort from stress related activities? Are those little aches and pains turning into fatigue and malaise? Have you experienced sudden pain from lifting something heavy, turning sharply? These two culprits, stress and inflammation have been called the mother of all diseases.

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Visiting Chiropractor in Latch & So for Tennis Elbow Treatment

Do you have pain in your arm, even when you don’t go to the gym? Does your elbow hurt even if you don’t play tennis? Even when you rest do these pains stay with you?

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Latch & So Chiropractic Explains Upper Back Pain Solution

“My neck is hurting again!?" Do you ever find yourself thinking this? Did you know that neck pain often comes from tension in the upper shoulders? Unlike our cars, our bodies are an interconnected network of physiological processes. One area does effect another.

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Latch & So Chiropractic Explains The Comprehensive Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a form of holistic health care that focuses attention on disorders and ailments of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They also delve into the effects of these disorders on the human body’s health. Chiropractic care is well known for treating neuromusculoskeletal ailments such as back pain, neck pain, joint pain in the arms and legs, as well as headaches caused by nerve malfunction.

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How Latch & So Chiropractic Can Help Whiplash Treatment

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, it is extremely important to visit a chiropractor that is skilled in treating auto accident injuries such as Dr. David Latch, D.C., Dr. Kenneth So, D.C.. Although you may not think you are hurt, whiplash and other injuries can happen in even the smallest of accidents. It can take days, weeks and even months for your body to acknowledge how the physical effects of an auto accident can take a toll on your body. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries auto accident victims face. If you do not visit your San Francisco chiropractor as soon as possible, whiplash can have an extremely negative effect on your body. Whiplash occurs when your head suddenly moves backwards, forwards, or even to the side. It can destabilize the spine and cause unbearable pain. Some other whiplash symptoms are:

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  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.